Kiwanis members must know how to protect the youth with whom we interact. When we all share this commitment, we also protect ourselves and the organization we value.
Background Check
Kiwanis background checks are valid for two years. They cost $25 which is refundable from the club Treasurer. To apply for yours, login to the Kiwanis portal and click on the Background Check button.
Policies & Procedures
Every club member should read and follow the policies and procedures for Youth Protection. View and/or download them here, updated 10/22/2022.
Please view this webinar about Youth Protection. The time you invest will be well worth it. (Start at 4 minutes)
Youth Protection
Kiwanis members must know how to protect the youth with whom we interact. When we all share this commitment, we also protect ourselves and the organization we value.
Background Check
Kiwanis background checks are valid for two years. They cost $25 which is refundable from the club Treasurer. To apply for yours, login to the Kiwanis portal and click on the Background Check button.
Policies & Procedures
Every club member should read and follow the policies and procedures for Youth Protection. View and/or download them here, updated 10/22/2022.
Please view this webinar about Youth Protection. The time you invest will be well worth it. (Start at 4 minutes)
Upcoming events
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting - State Representative Mike Johnson
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Crawfish Boil
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Board Meeting - Club Social
Lunch Meeting
Lunch Meeting
Facebook Posts
Kiwanis Club of Alexandria LA Inc
The Kiwanis Club of Alexandria Group